A problem for many companies, mainly in trade, warehousing, construction, etc., is theft, sexual harassment and staff who experience high stress, etc.
In order to access this huge problem, we have therefore created a special test adapted to this group. Can you afford not to?
In the construction industry alone, almost 6,000 thefts were reported last year. The industry itself estimates that the value of what was stolen is well over SEK 2 billion. In addition, around 50,000 shoplifting cases occur, which are reported to the police annually. But the "dark number" is large, the actual number of shopliftings is judged to be much larger.
Of course, thieves are not always their own staff. But not infrequently there are "insiders" who tip their criminal "friends" about what is to be stolen, as in the big helicopter robbery against G4S cash handling in Västberga 2009. Then SEK 39 million was stolen, which have not yet been found.
In 2020, 10,800 reports were also made concerning sexual harassment and harassment. Many of them took place in our workplaces. Especially younger women, between 16-29 years, are exposed to harassment, according to statistics from the Swedish Work Environment Authority.
Our new test "Blue Collar" is specially adapted for less qualified work and takes about 15 minutes, what we measure is:
Integrity: Against theft in the workplace.
Prejudice: Against harassment.
Emotional stability: Against the feeling of stress and burnout.
Dagens Industri, 25 May 2021.
Brå, Crime Prevention Council, January 2018.
Brå, Crime Statistics, 2020.
S. Fure, B. Nevo & M. Hemi. Pre-Employment Integrity Testing in Israel: A Validation Study. Journal of Organizational Psychology vol. 12 (1) 2012.